

Ressources Pédagogiques
Œuvres d’art

Georges Perrichon after Gustave Brion, illustration in Le Malade imaginaire, comédie-ballet de Molière : estampes, Collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Performing Arts Department, 1850 ca. Public domain.

Christian Wilhelm Allers, illustration in Die Meininger. Ihre Gastspiele und deren Bedeutung für das deutsche Theater, Hans Herrig, ed. Grumbkow, Dresden, 1879. Public domain.

Gustave Courbet, Les Amants dans la campagne. Sentiments du jeune âge, painting, ca. 1844, oil on canvas. 61 cm x 50 cm. Petit Palais, Paris. Public domain.

Robert Muys after Cornelis Troost, engraving in Molière. De ingebeelde zieke, Molière, ed. Pieter Fouquet, Amsterdam, 1752-1800. Public domain.

Arthur B. frost, illustration in Stuff and nonsense, Arthur B. Frost, ed. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1884. © Old Book Illustrations.

Anonymous, The Gazebo, illustration in Die Gartenlaube magazine, ed. Adolf Kröner, Leipzig, 1892. Public domain.

Anonymous, student of Rembrandt, Old Man in an Armchair, painting, ca. 1650, oil on canvas. 111 cm x 88 cm. National Gallery, London. © Copyright The National Gallery, London 2021.

Pier Luigi Pizzi, Molière-Le malade imaginaire-Festival dei due Mondi : maquettes de décor, drawing, 1974, watercolor. 20 cm x 33 cm. Collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Bibliothèque-Musée de l’Opéra Department, Paris. Public domain.

Valentin de Boulogne, The Lute Player, painting, 1625-1626, oil on canvas. 128.3 cm x 99.1 cm. Metropolitan Museum, New York. Public domain.

Anonymous, illustration in Molière : biographie : documents iconographiques, Collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Performing Arts Department, 1659-1950, Paris. Public domain.

Anonymous, illustration in Molière : biographie : documents iconographiques, Collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Performing Arts Department, 1659-1950, Paris. Public domain.

Honoré Daumier, illustration in Les Cent et un Robert-Macaire, M. Alhoy & L. Huart, ed. Aubert et Cie, Paris, 1839. © Old Book Illustrations.

Anonymous, illustration in Molière : biographie : documents iconographiques, Collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Performing Arts Department, 1659-1950, Paris. Public domain.

Horace Castelli, illustration in Heur et malheur, Emma Erwin, ed. Hachette, Paris, 1877. © Old Book Illustrations.

Anonymous, illustration in Molière : biographie : documents iconographiques, Collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Performing Arts Department, 1659-1950, Paris. Public domain.

William Heath Robinson, illustration in Shakespeare’s comedy of Twelfth night; or, What you will, William Shakespeare, ed. Hodder & Stoughton, n. d., New York, 1908. © Old Book Illustrations.

Christian Wilhelm Allers, illustration in Die Meininger. Ihre Gastspiele und deren Bedeutung für das deutsche Theater, Hans Herrig, ed. Grumbkow, Dresden, 1879. Public domain.

Jerome Bosch, The Extraction of the Madness Stone, painting, 1501-1505, oil on oak panel. 48.5 cm x 34.5 cm. Prado Museum, Madrid © Museo Nacional del Prado.

Moreau Le Jeune, illustration in Molière, J. Lavergne, ed. Société française d’imprimerie et de librairie, Paris, 1913. Public domain.

Cornelis Dusart, The Apothecary Brother, engraving, 1670-1724 and/or 1693-1700. 115 cm x 90 cm. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Public domain.

Anonymous, Collector’s Cabinet with Miniature Apothecary, object/furniture, 1730, wood. 206.8 cm x 148.5 cm x 74 cm. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Public domain.

Baldassare Tommaso Peruzzi, Portrait of an Olivetan Monk (Painting: Oil on canvas, 38 1/4 x 28 5/8 in. (97.2 x 72.7 cm))

Anonymous, Theater curtain stage red event, photograph, August 29, 2014, digital. 5472 px. x 3648 px. pixabay.com. © Pixabay License.

Abraham Solomon, The Unwilling Patient, painting, 19th century, oil on canvas. 96 cm x 72,6 cm. Wellcome Museum, London. Public domain.

Charles-Édouard de Beaumont, Fariboles 2 [planche 104], print, 1819-1821, lithograph. 21.7 cm x 17.6 cm. Musée Carnavalet, Paris.

Isidoro Grünhut, The Dying Man, painting, 1887, oil on canvas. 144 cm x 111 cm. Wikimedia Commons. Public domain.

Christian Wilhelm Allers, illustration in Die Meininger. Ihre Gastspiele und deren Bedeutung für das deutsche Theater, Hans Herrig, ed. Grumbkow, Dresden, 1879. Public domain.

Christian Wilhelm Allers, illustration in Die Meininger. Ihre Gastspiele und deren Bedeutung für das deutsche Theater, Hans Herrig, ed. Grumbkow, Dresden, 1879. Public domain.

Pieter van Schuppen, Portrait of Henrietta of Lorraine, Princess of Palatinate, as a Nun, etching, 1668, paper. 23.5 cm x 17.7 cm. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Public domain.

Honoré Daumier, Le Malade imaginaire, painting, 1860-1862, oil on wood panel. 26.7 cm x 35.2 cm. Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia. Public domain.

Honoré Daumier, Le Malade imaginaire, painting, 1860-1862, oil on wood panel. 26.7 cm x 35.2 cm. Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia. Public domain.

Honoré Daumier, Les Deux médecins et la mort, watercolor, 1860. 32.5 cm x 28 cm. Oskar Reinhart Collection, Winterthur. Public domain.

Thomas Rowlandson, A Cure For Lying and a Bad Memory, hand-colored etching, 1807, paper. 27.7 cm x 21.2 cm. Metropolitan Museum, New York. Public domain.

The Viscera.
Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images
The Viscera.
Margarita philosophica nova.
Reisch, Gregorius
Published: 1508
Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Anonymous, illustration in Margarita philosophica nova, Gregor Reisch, 1525. The Wellcome Library Collection, London. Public domain.

James Gillray, Metallic-Tractors, print, 19th century, etching. 19.2 cm x 25.5 cm. Musée Carnavalet, Paris. Public domain

Christian Wilhelm Allers, illustration in Die Meininger. Ihre Gastspiele und deren Bedeutung für das deutsche Theater, Hans Herrig, ed. Grumbkow, Dresden, 1879. Public domain.

Possibly N. Schenk or M. Pool, The Monkey on his Sickbed, engraving, 1720-1767. 15.6 cm x 19.3 cm. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Public domain.

Gustave Brion, Le Malade imaginaire : M. Diafoirus, Thomas Diafoirus et le malade, engraving, 19th century. Dimensions unknown. Collection BIU Santé Médecine, Paris. Open license.

Alexandre-Marie Colin, Madame Colin de profil, painting, 1830 ca., oil on canvas. 40.5 cm x 32 cm. Carnavalet Museum, Paris. Public domain

Anonymous, illustration in Molière : biographie : documents iconographiques, Collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Performing Arts Department, 1659-1950, Paris. Public domain.

Jean Le Pautre, Troisième journée. Le malade imaginaire, comédie représentée dans le Jardin de Versailles devant la Grotte, print, 1676. 28.5 cm x 41.9 cm. Collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Department of Prints and Photography, Paris. Public domain.

Louis-Léopold Boilly, Collection des profils et grimaces, print, 1824-1827, lithograph. Collection of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Prints and Photography Department, Paris. Public domain.