Aim: To help educators to create workshops by using available art from the Bibliodos project resources to enrich them.
Key Words: Art, enriching, artists, heritage art.
Prior Knowledge: None.
In order to create a well-organized workshop the element of visual aid should be considered. In this Practice Sheet we will present a walkthrough how to enrich your workshops using European heritage art. What sources are available and what to have in mind for your search criteria.
Searching for the appropriate image of European art heritage
Well-chosen images of European art heritage can add power to any of your workshops. Choose the right image for your presentation. Bibliodos project’s main goal is to create the first library of books adapted from European heritage works (stories, illustrations, music) to promote language learning and facilitate access to writing for audiences with specific needs. With this in mind, every workshop created, need to have visual aid to help learners learn a language.
Using the sources provided by BIBLIODOS the educator can find an image (painting, photo and vector graphics or text) that suits best to the needs of the workshop. All sources provide search function in their website to assist more with the search of the appropriate image.
All media provided in the provided sources are in high quality so it is wise to use the best quality given for your workshops. Keep in mind that in case that you need to print material of art, always choose the highest quality provided. So that the experience given to the learner should be the best. In the case of digital use and presentation, to avoid long times of loading (lag) in your device or streaming, use an adaptation of the highest quality image provided to suit your needs. As advised in other Practical Sheet.
For searching for a specific art keep in mind that the same rules apply as in a typical Google search. Use the best words describing the art needed. The name of the work art, the name of the artist, the technique used and so on. Most of the sources provided have filters to help you with your search.
European art heritage is so vast in all forms of art, that you can find anything for the needs of your workshop.
Usage rights
The whole purpose of searching and using media representing art from European heritage is to assist our learners in educating them in languages. Because of the huge range of the project we have to make sure that Public Domain rights are met when using such media in our workshops. In all the sources provided there is a distinct definition when an image is copyrighted or is free for use under the Creative Common License initiative. In general, the public domain is different between countries, but as a rule of thumb, if the creator of the art has passed away at least 70 years before its contemporary use you can use the art piece. So, many great pieces of artworks are available in high quality images throughout the internet. Having this in mind we collected a long list of online libraries that you can visit and search to find the corresponding image in your workshop. In a case that you resort to a Google search please make sure that Public Domain rights are met so to avoid any copyright issues .
Desirable Outcomes
At the end of this practice sheet, you will be able:
- To understand the basics of usage rights.
- To access and use the sources provided by the BIBLIODOS project.
- To use the most representative art for your workshop.
Additional Resources
On line Art and music libraries: