Associated Partners

The Centre de ressources illettrisme et maîtrise de la langue (CDRIML) is a public service run by the Compétences public interest group of Académie de Versailles and partly financed by Île-de-France Regional Council.
- The CDRIML answers questions about language proficiency and directs people to training schemes adapted to their needs.
- The CDRIML offers professionalization courses to Île-de-France educators, vocational and employment actors, at no cost to the participants.
- The CDRIML advises and connects the actors in Île-de-France region.

Association l'île aux langues
L’île aux langues is an association under the law of 1901 and a training organization whose vocation is the learning and transmission of the French language as a vector for the empowerment of the public and for social, economic, cultural and civic inclusion in our territory.
The association’s activities are divided into three main areas:
- Teaching French: meeting the language, pre-professional, pragmatic and cultural needs of the public through general French courses, literacy courses, professional French courses and sociolinguistic workshops,
- Active participation in the qualification of training actors and in the sharing of tools and the exchange of practices through training of trainers,
- Educational engineering: the creation and sharing of educational resources in the fields of culture, health and citizenship.

Paroles Voyageuses
Paroles Voyageuses is a training organization created in 2006 for anyone wishing to improve their French language skills.
The association offers French training for employees, job seekers or refugees; written French training for deaf people or training of trainers and pedagogical engineering expertise.

The CEFIL (Center for Studies, Training and Integration through Language) is an association under the 1901 law which aims at the personal and professional development of people through training, integration and study actions, as well as as the organization of any activity that would serve this objective.
- The association sets up training and support actions for people, based on the acquisition of the French language, with emphasis on the professional context.
- It also offers support for actors and training and integration structures.

Τhe aims of the Organisation are scientific, educational and non-profitable.
In particular the organisation aims at:
- Promoting and achieving sustainable development goals as defined in the 2030 Agenda of the UN especially in the fields of education, justice, environmental protection and health
- Promoting and achieving intercultural cooperation in education, science and culture according to UNESCO’s statute
- Promoting and achieving the effective use of resources via a clear circular economy, restoring biodiversity and decreasing pollution according to the European Green Deal and especially preserving the natural wealth of aquatic and coastal ecosystems
- Supporting individuals’ emancipation through new generation technologies
- Promoting social justice and prosperity

Cosmopolis Language Centre
Cosmopolis Language Centre is the leading language centre in Nicosia. Operating since 2010, Cosmopolis provides specialised and general language courses in Greek, English, Russian, and Turkish for companies and individuals in Cyprus.
Aware of the necessity for the expat and migrant communities to communicate effectively in their everyday lives with the Greek-speaking locals, Cosmopolis have developed Greek courses that focus on the actualities of everyday interaction, and include references to the Greek-Cypriot dialect.
Their English courses aim at facilitating the everyday and business communication for Cypriots as well as for the various non-Cypriots who live on the island.

The organisation μicrokosmos is a Non-Profit Organisation, which strives for social solidarity in the fields of education and culture.
It is a democratic organization, nonpartisan and religious tolerant, free, autonomous and independent that does not tolerate any discriminations based on sex, gender, language or religion and excludes any commercial or profit driven purpose.
Among others, it aims to:
- Promote and spread the greek culture, both classical and modern, on a national and international level.
- Promote artistic creation and Interculturalism.
- Promote collaboration with government and local authorities in order to boost social integration and fight discriminations.

Associazione Ergon a favore dei Sordi
The Association was founded to support a group of young adults, alumni of the Istituto dei Sordi di Torino, to develop entrepreneurial skills and be more active in the world of work. The basic idea was to cooperate with the school in the management of some facilities (cantina, cafeteria) and to re-insert some unused assets into the economic track, such as small farmland and some rooms formerly used for school purposes.All this in a perspective of growth also in the digital environment and with the introduction of innovative technologies in activities previously managed with very traditional formulas.
The association is active in the field of dual discrimination, working mainly with young people that face at least two possible reasons for weakness in the society: disabled and migrant; disabled and women; disabled with the double diagnosis; disabled and unemployed.

Collectif Réfugiés
This project particularly targets people who are non-French speaking, communicating little or nothing in French / beginner or almost oral and who have had little or no education in their country of origin.
Through this project, our objectives are to teach French to promote people’s autonomy on a daily basis and support the development of everyone’s professional plan.

Tous Bénévoles
Tous Bénévoles is a non-profit association, member of the European Volunteering Center. It is an association under the 1901 law which brings together associations and volunteer candidates, all over France. More than 2,000 associations offer more than 6,500 missions.
Its missions, among others, are:
- Targeted networking of member associations and volunteer candidates, including a space specifically dedicated to young people aged 16 to 25 through personalized interviews or on the website of the association
- Sharing of skills for the benefit of member associations (today around 1,200 associations)