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Hugh Thomson, Illustration to Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice, mechanical reproduction of old book illustration. 1894.

Wauters Alphonse, digitised image from page 292 of Histoire des Environs de Bruxelles, 1852. ©British Library.

Hugh Thomson, Molly Trefusis, 1903, Illustration, University of California, US. ©Old Books Illustrations

Charles Edmund Broke, She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me, 1895. Colorized Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library.

Charles Edmund Broke, Page 67 of Pride and Prejudice, 1895. Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library.

Charles Edmund Broke, Page 76 of Pride and Prejudice, 1895. Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library.

Charles Edmund Broke, Mr. Denny entreated permission to introduce his friend [Wickham], 1895. Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library.

Charles Edmund Broke, Page 252 of Pride and Prejudice, 1895. Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library.

William Hennessy, That single field, 1901, Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©University of California Libraries.

Charles Edmund Broke, Will you do me the honour of reading that letter?, 1895. Sketch. MacMillan, London ©British Library.

Janet Lange, Bal donné au ministère de la Marine le 22 février, date unkown, 22,2 x 31,4 cm. Collection De Vinck, France. ©Gallica Bnf

Charles Edmund Broke, Mrs Bennet was privileged to whisper it to Mrs. Phillips, 1895. Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library

Charles Edmund Broke, Mr Collins prefaced his speech with a solemn bow, 1895. Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library

Hugh Thomson, To assure you in the most animated language, 1894, sketch. Lilly Library, Indiana University, US. ©Wikimedia

Georges Gottfried Winckler (engraver) and Robbert Soyer (draftsman), Vue perspective à Londres de l’Admirauté, du nouveau Batiment pour les Gardes à Cheval, 1770, Wood Engraving, Bibliothèque nationale de France. ©Gallica Bnf

Charles Edmund Broke, Mr Collins and Charlotte were both standing at the gate in conversation with the ladies, 1895. Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library

Charles Edmund Broke, I assure you, I feel it exceedingly, 1895. Colorized Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library

Charles Edmund Broke, You mean to frighten me Mr Darcy?, 1895. Colorized Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library

Hugh Thomson, She saw on looking up that Colonel Fitzwilliam was meeting her, 1894, Line drawing, Georges Allen, London. ©Wikimedia

Henri Désiré Porret, Charles Nodier and Tony Johannot, 1830, Wood Engraving. Robarts Library, University of Toronto, Canada. © Old Books Illustrations

Hugh Thomson, All for Cissy, 1903, Kegan Paul, London. University of California Libraries, US. © Old Books Illustrations

Charles Edmund Broke, You must allow me to tell you how argently I admire and love you, 1895. Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library

Jean Baptiste Charles Carbonneau, Horse riding in the street, 1862. Wood Engraving. Private Collection ©Old Books Illustrations

Frédéric de Courcy, A toast !, 1839, Wood Engraving. Garnier Frères, Paris. ©Old Books Illustrations

Charles Le Brun, Hatred or Jealousy, ca. 1812. Metal Engraving. The Library of Congress. ©Old Books Illustrations

Charles Edmund Broke, She held out her hand, 1895. Colorized Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library

James Davis Cooper, Great was her indifference, 1886. Wood Engraving. Macmillan, London. University of California Libraries, US. ©Old Books Illustrations

Georges Du Maurier (illustrator) and Swain Josepth (Engraver), A Love Letter, 1866. Wood Engraving. Duke University Libraries, US. ©Old Books Illustrations

John Tenniel, Calypso, 1860. Etching. University of California Libraries, US. ©Old Books Illustrations

Hablot Knight Browne, Story of the princess, 1857. Etching. Bradbury and Evans, London. University of California, US. ©Old Books Illustrations

Charles Edmund Broke, She stood several minutes before the picture, in earnest contemplation, 1895. Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library

Charles Edmund Broke, the introduction, however, was immediately made, 1895. Colorized Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library

Charles Edmund Broke, She eagerly communicated the cause of their summons, 1895. Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library

Charles Edmund Broke, Lydia went after dinner to show her ring , 1895. Colorized Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library

Charles Edmund Broke, He would even listen to Sir William Lucas, 1895. Sketch. MacMillan, London ©British Library

Hablot Knight Browne, Married, 1850. Etching. Bradbury and Evans, London. University of California. ©Old Books Illustrations

Charles Edmund Broke, She perceived her sister and Bingley Standing Together , 1895. Colorized Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library

Georges Du Maurier, Neighbourly compliments, 1897, Wood engraving. Harper and Brother, New York. University of California Libraries. ©Old Books Illustrations

Hugh Thomson, Lady Catherine comes to visit Elizabeth, 1894. George Allen, London. Lilly Library, Indiana University ©Wikimedia

Arthur Rackham, A mark between her shoulders, 1909. Doubleday, Page and Company, New York Public Library. ©Old Books Illustrations

Charles Edmund Broke, Ms Bennet, I insist on being satisfied , 1895. Colorized Sketch. MacMillan, London ©British Library

Georges Du Maurier, Last Lovers, 1866, Wood engraving. Smith, Elder and Co., London. ©The Duke University Libraries.

Charles Edmund Broke, Now, be sincere; did you admire me for my impertinence?, 1895. Sketch. MacMillan, London. ©British Library

G.A. Storey, Phillida’s wedding, 1893. Drawing in pencil. Griffith, Farran and Co, UK. ©British Library

James Davis Cooper, Assemblage of Countenances, 1886. Wood Carving. MacMillan, London. ©Old Books Illustrations