Hercules and the Nemean Lion
One of the twelve labours of hercules
Short | Ancient Greek Myth


Hercules finds a way to save the people from the vicious monster that lived in Nemea, the lion with the golden fur that according to the myth ate humans and animals.


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Hercules finds a way to save the people from the vicious monster that lived in Nemea, the lion with the golden fur that according to the myth ate humans and animals.

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Gabriel Salmon, Hercules, Strangling the Nemean Lion, from the Labors of Hercules. Woodcut on paper, 1523–1533 © Potter Palmer Collection Fund

School of Brustolon Andrea, Standing Figure of Hercules, Wood with traces of gilding 1700–1725. Art Institute of Chicago © Gift of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Alsdorf

Frederic Charles Herrick, Overcome the difficulty of the journey: Hercules, Lithograph on cream wove paper, laid down on linen, 1907–1920. The Art Institute of Chicago © Gift of Underground Electric Railways Company of London Limited

Edward Thomas Daniell, Corycian Cave Greece, Drawing, ‘Corycian Cave Greece’ by Edward Thomas Daniell (Rev) (1804-1842), watercolour and pencil on paper, undated; 24.5 cm x 34.7 cm; inscription bottom right ‘ETD Corycian Cave’; inscription on reverse ’94 Corycian Cave’. Norfolk Museums Service. © Norfolk Museums Service

Antoine Louis Barye, Lion Resting, Medium: watercolor on wove paper, lined. 1810-1875 . The Metropolitan Museum of Art © Metropolitan Museum of Arts

Hans Sebald Beham, Hercules and the Nemean Lion, from The Labors of Hercules, Engraving in black on ivory laid paper, 1548.The Art Institute of Chicago. © Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Potter Palmer

François Le Moyne, Hercules Raising his Club: Study for “Hercules and Cacus” ,Black chalk, with white chalk, on buff laid paper, laid down on laid paper, 1717. The Art Institute of Chicago © Gift of Richard and Mary L. Gray

Odilon Redon, Melancholy, Various charcoals and gouache, with pastel and black chalk, and touches of stumping and erasing, on pale-pink wove paper with red and blue fibers altered to a golden tone, laid down on gray wove paper, 1876, The Art Institute of Chicago © Margaret Day Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C.Woods, and William McCallin McKee Memorial Endowments

WILLIAM-SAMUEL HOWITT, Lion Attacking a Stag, Medium: Watercolor, pen and black ink and graphite on medium, slightly textured, cream wove paper, Yale Center for British Art, © Yale Center for British Art

Rev. John Lewis Petit, Wetton, Undated, The Rev. J L Petit Society © The Rev. J L Petit Society. All Rights Reserved Thor’s cave, nr Wetton, Staffordshire, England.

Unknown Artist (Flemish School), Untitled (A lion), A lion, one of 179 drawings from the 1637 album; lying with head on the left, tail raised. Watercolour, heightened with white. 17th Century. British Museum. © Trustees of the British Museum

Style of Raymond de Lafage, Statue of Seated Hercules, Pen and brown ink, with brush and gray wash, with traces of graphite, on cream laid paper, Artist’s working dates 1676–1799. The Art Institute of Chicago. © The Leonora Hall Gurley Memorial Collection